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Polly Snowdon

Assistant Psychologist, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

A former MSc student at SHINE, Polly is currently working as an Assistant Psychologist at the South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust on a CBT based, psycho-education primary school universal intervention programme.


Current Research

Emotion Socialisation and Child Anxiety Systematic Review.


MSc Project

Observational Study of Parent-Child Emotion Socialization, Parental Overprotection and Child Anxiety Symptoms


Bravery, K.A., Cabrera, A., Harding, V., Oldreive, N., Smithson, D., Snowdon, P., Sweet, R., & Gibson, F. (2015, October). Development of a child experience measure for children with cancer. Poster presented at the 47th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Cape Town, South Africa.


Bravery, K.A., Cabrera, A., Jaffrey, M., Harding, V., Martins, A., Oldreive, N., Smithson, D., Snowdon, P., Sweet, R., & Gibson, F. (2016, October). Usability testing of a digital child experience measure for children with cancer. Poster presented at the 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Dublin, Ireland.

University of Bath

Department of Psychology

Claverton Down

Bath, BA2 7AY

United Kingdom

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