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For Teachers

Schools and Child Mental Health​


Our Research


Our research falls into two broad streams:


Please visit these respective research pages to learn about projects we are currently conducting and how your school may be able to take part. You can also read about findings from our past projects.



Get Involved


Want to take part in one of our research studies?


We are currently recruiting families of children aged 3 to 8 years for a study about children's response to reward and discipline. 


Parents of children who complete all assessments will also be given the opportunity to attend a free parenting information session.


Click here to read more about the study and find out how your school can take part.





Please see our resources for teachers which includes websites and books on child anxiety and behaviour. 


We also have resources for parents, websites and books written for parents describing evidence-based strategies for helping their child overcome anxiety or to behave in a more prosocial and compliant manner.


University of Bath

Department of Psychology

Claverton Down

Bath, BA2 7AY

United Kingdom

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